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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

kenyang vs stress

ar kenyang nyer skrg (erk...alhamdunilla)

huahuahuahua 8-( stress la ngn paper peristilahan td...cm pape je soalan objektfnyer...esei sedap ar jawab...cz mmg dh hafal...erm wlaupon ade terkucil cket... ahaks...(anim je yg taw mne aq slp jwb esei 2)

xtaw la dpt ape peristilahan aq ni...harap dpt B je la...makkkkkkkk

nak balik kg la......tertekan betol.......

bye kwn2...aku pulang dlu ea...papai....


mummy dhia amani said...

hati2 balik tu zana...jgn nakal2...agak2 bile wt persiapan tu..hehehe..

ibnu_maulub said...

hah jgn mkin kenyang2 r..hehe
blik kg??
nk ikot..hehehe...